~ Rozmowa z towarzyszem / Talk to follower ~
Krótki opis:
Skrypt pozwala na rozmowę z towarzyszem, pod warunkiem że w party są tylko dwie osoby. Okienka rozmów można ustawić w wybranym Common Event. Do poprawnego działania skryptu, wymagany jest
Obrót w miejscu.
// TalkToFollower.js
var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.TalkToFollower = true;
var TTF = {};
* @plugindesc Allows the player to talk to a follower, specifically, the one party member right behind them.
* @author mjshi
* @param Common Event ID
* @desc ID of the common event to be called when the player attempts to talk to a follower
* @default 1
* @help
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Talk To Follower v1.01 by mjshi
* Free for both commercial and non-commercial use, with credit.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* > Requires Turn In Place: http://mjshi.weebly.com/mv-turn-in-place.html
* > Only works when the player has exactly 1 follower.
* > Update v1.01: Fixed a bug that occurs if there are no followers
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Built-in functions for conditional branches. Case Sensitive!
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* TTF.fIs(ID) checks if the follower's ID is ID
* TTF.mapIs(ID) checks if player/follower are in map ID
* TTF.regionIs(ID) checks if player is in region ID
* TTF.fregionIs(ID) checks if follower is in region ID
* Use && and || to connect these statements! For example,
* TTF.regionIs(ID) || TTF.fregionIs(ID)
* checks if follower OR player are in region ID
* TTF.regionIs(ID) && TTF.fregionIs(ID)
* checks if follower AND player are in region ID
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* > Is something broken? Go to http://mjshi.weebly.com/contact.html and I'll
* try my best to help you!
TTF.Parameters = PluginManager.parameters('TalkToFollower');
TTF.eventID = Number(TTF.Parameters['Common Event ID']);
if (Imported.TurnInPlace) {
TTF.mapIs = function (ID) {return ($gameMap._mapId == ID)}
TTF.fIs = function (ID) {return ($gameParty._actors[1] == ID)}
TTF.regionIs = function (ID) {return ($gameMap.regionId($gamePlayer._x, $gamePlayer._y) == ID)}
TTF.fregionIs = function (ID) {return ($gameMap.regionId($gamePlayer._followers.visibleFollowers()[0]._x, $gamePlayer._followers.visibleFollowers()[0]._y) == ID)}
ttf_alias_Scene_Map_updateScene = Scene_Map.prototype.updateScene;
Scene_Map.prototype.updateScene = function() {
if (SceneManager.isSceneChanging()) {return}
if ($gameMap.isEventRunning()) {return}
if (Input.isTriggered('ok') || (TouchInput.isTriggered() && TouchInput.clickedOnFollower())) {this.checkTalking()};
TouchInput.clickedOnFollower = function() {
var x = Math.floor(this._x / 48);
var y = Math.floor(this._y / 48);
var f = $gamePlayer._followers.visibleFollowers()[0];
if (f === undefined) return;
return (x == f._x && y == f._y);
Scene_Map.prototype.checkTalking = function() {
var f = $gamePlayer._followers.visibleFollowers()[0];
if (!f) {return}
var p = $gamePlayer;
var pd = p._direction;
var fd = f._direction;
if ((pd == 8 && fd == 2 && p._y - f._y == 1) || (pd == 2 && fd == 8 && p._y - f._y == -1) ||
(pd == 4 && fd == 6 && p._x - f._x == 1) || (pd == 6 && fd == 4 && p._x - f._x == -1))
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